Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bar Harbor, ME Lobster Night!

Our lobster going in the wood fired lobster pots.

Our dinner steaming away.

Our table neighbor's two and a half pound lobster. Same as dad's.


We finally got to Bar Harbor! Barb and my GPS have their own opinion as to which way to get to Bar Harbor. They went one way and we went another.We managed to get separated and they went Highway 3 over the hills and through the woods; while we went on I-95 to I-395 through Bangor. We both pulled into our RV park around 3:30, so by the time we set up, it was time to eat. What do we want for dinner. Why duh, lobster of course. We were told the Trenton Lobster Pound was the best. No fine linens here; just a simple lobster shack with great lobster The colors are not quite there yet. It's cooled down here and that should bring the colors out. 

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